Fancy trousers, hose connectors, a happy song, a Rubik’s cube, custard, and so much more. (Rec: 30/1/23)
Fancy trousers, hose connectors, a happy song, a Rubik’s cube, custard, and so much more. (Rec: 30/1/23)
A compilation of Sean Dyche’s motivational WAVs from episode 106 until September 2022. (Originally released via Club Parsnips)
Doctor tactics, slipper chat, ray gun repair, a Dyche WAV, regal scatter cushions, Peter’s 2022 Christmas message, and more. (Rec: 20/12/22)
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Here’s a compilation of some Crime Files stories, from episodes 105 to 117. DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR… (Released 30/7/22)
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Football, aftershave, driveways, telly, cream, Tyne crime, Dom, the EFT gang, and soap. (Rec: 29/11/22)
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From episodes 91-103, Peter and Carol receive a visitor, we learn about their wedding day, legal issues, a shopping trip and more… (first issued to Club Parsnips members in May 2022)
A country music remix, a lunch club update, a showbiz centre visit, resin bonded driveways, air frying, gut health, and nonsense pottery. (Rec: 27/10/22)
Categorised items, Peter’s van, anti-woke Lawro, test drives, Geordie Heat, telly pitches, and more. (26/9/22)
A compilation of tapes, mp3s and WAVs acquired by Bob between August 2019 and August 2021. (Rec: 21/3/22)
A stamping duck, a scary camping trip, Geordie Heat, a Littlepod, a listen to Talksport, and much more. (Rec: 30/8/22)